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we strive towards a caring and inclusive society
We educate designers to shape humane technology that contributes to the health and well-being of those in need of care and support
Our approach
- Our educational squad is composed of more than 50 people – students, coaches and external partners. We are part of the Systemic Change group at the faculty of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology
- We design for health and well-being, societal relevance, and user groups with degrees of vulnerability
- Our favourite design methods are Participatory design, Design for behaviour change, and Co-design
- Each semester we facilitate multiple cross-coaching and peer-support activities to allow knowledge exchange between students from bachelor to master level, working on different topics, and also with different coaches and teachers in the squad

Discover our wonderful team of coaches and experts
Partners and Organization
The Health & Inclusive Design squad provides projects that address existing societal challenges situated in real-life environments such as healthcare settings, private and public spaces. When working in healthcare contexts, it is key to design and integrate new technologies into the social and physical context of people in need of care. The squad projects are situated in the continuum of healthcare from extra-mural (e.g., prevention, telerehabilitation, informal care etc.) to intra-mural (medical devices, clinical rehabilitation, person-centered care, etc.).
The Health & Inclusive Design squad is part of the TU/e Industrial Design educational program and is supported by researchers from the Transdisciplinary Research & Design and Designing Empowering Systems clusters. HID has longstanding partnerships with multiple clinical partners, care organizations and business partners, such as hospitals and rehabilitation clinics, to run projects in close collaboration with doctors, therapists, (in)formal caregivers, and patients.