– Coach: TBD
– Student year: M11;M12;
– Expert: Lu Yuan
– Client: The VieCuri Children’s Allergy Center (https://www.viecuri.nl/onze-specialismen/kinderallergiecentrum/preventie-allergie/)
– Research/design question: What are the needs and contributions of different stakeholders to help manage food allergies in the everyday lives of allergy children? How to design for easier and better access to individual allergy information, medication instruction, and emergency plans to different stakeholders to support them in helping children manage their food allergies?
– Client: The VieCuri Children’s Allergy Center (https://www.viecuri.nl/onze-specialismen/kinderallergiecentrum/preventie-allergie/)
– Research/design question: What are the needs and contributions of different stakeholders to help manage food allergies in the everyday lives of allergy children? How to design for easier and better access to individual allergy information, medication instruction, and emergency plans to different stakeholders to support them in helping children manage their food allergies?
– Description : The VieCuri Children’s Allergy Center treats children of all ages (0-18 years) with various allergic conditions. These can include one or more food allergies, possibly in combination with one or more other allergic diseases such as eczema, inhalation allergies (house dust mite allergy, hay fever, pet allergy), and asthma. This can, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the child’s daily functioning and sometimes also lead to limitations in daily life. When a child is diagnosed with one or more food allergies, this has a major impact on the child’s life and that of his or her family and the environment in which the child functions. For example, family members (babysitting grandparents), at the daycare (nursery, BSO, and childminder), school (special attention for lunch), (sports) clubs, and/or play dates with friends. The allergy is treated at the center, among other things, by involving the pediatric dietitian in addition to appointments with the pediatrician: she explains the diet, for example, how strictly the elimination diet should be applied, how to read labels, and so on. The allergy pediatric nurse teaches parents and the child how to use medication and when to use which medication. The allergy center believes that children with a food allergy should be able to lead as normal a child’s life as possible. They strive to involve parents, caregivers, and the child as much as possible in the diagnosis and treatment of their allergic conditions. What are the needs and contributions of different stakeholders to help manage allergies in the everyday lives of allergy children? How to design for easier and better access to individual allergy information, medication instruction, and emergency plans to different stakeholders to support them in helping children manage their allergies?
1. https://www.viecuri.nl/onze-specialismen/kinderallergiecentrum/preventie-allergie/
2. Aparicio E, Jardí C, Bedmar C, Pallejà M, Basora J, Arija V. Nutrient intake during pregnancy and post-partum: ECLIPSES study. Nutrients. 2020;12(5).
3. Ryan RA, Lappen H, Bihuniak JD. Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Postpartum: A Qualitative Systematic Review. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022;122(3).
4. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2019-2021. Retrieved 13-10-2023 from https://statline.rivm.nl/#/RIVM/nl/dataset/50110NED/table?ts=1697275900123
5. Corica D, Aversa T, Caminiti L, Lombardo F, Wasniewska M, Pajno GB. Nutrition and Avoidance Diets in Children With Food Allergy. Front Pediatr. 2020 Sep 4;8:518. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00518. PMID: 33014926; PMCID: PMC7498536.
6. Leone L, Mazzocchi A, Maffeis L, De Cosmi V, Agostoni C. Nutritional management of food allergies: Prevention and treatment. Front Allergy. 2023 Jan 6;3:1083669. doi: 10.3389/falgy.2022.1083669. PMID: 36686963; PMCID: PMC9853442.
7. Wright, K., Feeney, M., Yerlett, N. et al. Nutritional Management of Children with Food Allergies. Curr Treat Options Allergy 9, 375–393 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40521-022-00320-7
8. Enza D’Auria, Erica Pendezza, Alessandro Leone, Francesca Riccaboni, Alessandra Bosetti, Barbara Borsani, GianVincenzo Zuccotti & Simona Bertoli (2022) Nutrient intake in school-aged children with food allergies: a case-control study, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 73:3, 349-356, DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2021.1975658
9. Giovannini M, D’Auria E, Caffarelli C, Verduci E, Barberi S, Indinnimeo L, Iacono ID, Martelli A, Riva E, Bernardini R. Nutritional management and follow up of infants and children with food allergy: Italian Society of Pediatric Nutrition/Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Task Force Position Statement. Ital J Pediatr. 2014 Jan 3;40:1. doi: 10.1186/1824-7288-40-1. PMID: 24386882; PMCID: PMC3914356.
10. Smeenk, W. 2023 Aug 31. The Empathic Co-Design Canvas: A Tool for Supporting Multi-Stakeholder Co-Design Processes. International Journal of Design [Online] 17:2. Available: https://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/4482/1034
11. Lu, Y., Valk, C. A. L., Steenbakkers, J. J. H., Bekker, M. M., Visser, T., Proctor, G. M., Toshniwal, O., & Langberg, H. (2017). Can technology adoption for older adults be co-created? Gerontechnology, 16(3), 151-159. https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017.
2. Aparicio E, Jardí C, Bedmar C, Pallejà M, Basora J, Arija V. Nutrient intake during pregnancy and post-partum: ECLIPSES study. Nutrients. 2020;12(5).
3. Ryan RA, Lappen H, Bihuniak JD. Barriers and Facilitators to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Postpartum: A Qualitative Systematic Review. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022;122(3).
4. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Dutch National Food Consumption Survey 2019-2021. Retrieved 13-10-2023 from https://statline.rivm.nl/#/RIVM/nl/dataset/50110NED/table?ts=1697275900123
5. Corica D, Aversa T, Caminiti L, Lombardo F, Wasniewska M, Pajno GB. Nutrition and Avoidance Diets in Children With Food Allergy. Front Pediatr. 2020 Sep 4;8:518. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.00518. PMID: 33014926; PMCID: PMC7498536.
6. Leone L, Mazzocchi A, Maffeis L, De Cosmi V, Agostoni C. Nutritional management of food allergies: Prevention and treatment. Front Allergy. 2023 Jan 6;3:1083669. doi: 10.3389/falgy.2022.1083669. PMID: 36686963; PMCID: PMC9853442.
7. Wright, K., Feeney, M., Yerlett, N. et al. Nutritional Management of Children with Food Allergies. Curr Treat Options Allergy 9, 375–393 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40521-022-00320-7
8. Enza D’Auria, Erica Pendezza, Alessandro Leone, Francesca Riccaboni, Alessandra Bosetti, Barbara Borsani, GianVincenzo Zuccotti & Simona Bertoli (2022) Nutrient intake in school-aged children with food allergies: a case-control study, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 73:3, 349-356, DOI: 10.1080/09637486.2021.1975658
9. Giovannini M, D’Auria E, Caffarelli C, Verduci E, Barberi S, Indinnimeo L, Iacono ID, Martelli A, Riva E, Bernardini R. Nutritional management and follow up of infants and children with food allergy: Italian Society of Pediatric Nutrition/Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Task Force Position Statement. Ital J Pediatr. 2014 Jan 3;40:1. doi: 10.1186/1824-7288-40-1. PMID: 24386882; PMCID: PMC3914356.
10. Smeenk, W. 2023 Aug 31. The Empathic Co-Design Canvas: A Tool for Supporting Multi-Stakeholder Co-Design Processes. International Journal of Design [Online] 17:2. Available: https://www.ijdesign.org/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/4482/1034
11. Lu, Y., Valk, C. A. L., Steenbakkers, J. J. H., Bekker, M. M., Visser, T., Proctor, G. M., Toshniwal, O., & Langberg, H. (2017). Can technology adoption for older adults be co-created? Gerontechnology, 16(3), 151-159. https://doi.org/10.4017/gt.2017.